Small Flexible (Within Class) Groups
"Small flexible in-class groups" accommodate students with varying levels of ability, potential and learning style. Flexible groups allow teachers to adjust the level of subject complexity, delivery, and pace in ways that challenge, not overwhelm or stifle students.
Advantages of small flexible (within class) groups:
Teachers differentiate curricula for a single group rather than dispersing time and energy over several classes.
Robinson (2007) reports higher student achievement for all students placed in similar-ability small flexible within class groups, regardless of ability. "60% higher gains in grade equivalent knowledge among gifted learners placed in small like-ability flexible groups," Rogers 2002 citing James and Kulik, in comparison to other gifted and talented students in mixed ability classrooms, pp. 226-227.
Grouping by ability Kreger-Silverman 1993, positively impacts social well-being and academic performance in gifted and talented students. She contends; "Gifted learners seek friends their mental age," just like adults and other non-gifted children. (p. 308).
Online Sources
Rogers (2002) introduced a tool titled the Parent Inventory for finding Potential or PIP to helps parents and teachers work together in identifying gifted characteristics ( See Online Sources below for more on PIP).
PIP - Parent Inventory for Finding Potential
Research Articles
Brulles, D., Saunders, R., & Cohn, S. J. (2010). Improving Performance for Gifted Students in a Cluster Grouping Model. Journal For The Education Of The Gifted, 34(2), 327-350.
Eckstein, M. (2009). Enrichment 2.0 Gifted and sudents: How To Provide Full-Time Services on a Part-Time Budget. ERIC Digest E607. Talented Education for the 21st Century. GiftedChild Today, 32(1), 59-63.
Gagne, F (1993). Constructs and models pertaining to exceptional human abilities.
In K.A. Heller, F. J. Monks, A. H. Passow (Eds.), International handbook of research and development of giftedness and talent (pp. 9-87). Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Robinson, A., Shore, B. & Enersen D. (2007). Best practices in gifted education. Prufrock Press. Waco Texas.
Rogers, K.B. (2002). Re-forming gifted education. Great Potential Press. Scottsdale, Az.
Winebrenner, S., Devlin, B., & ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, A. A. (2001). Cluster Grouping of Gifted
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