
Karnes and Bean (2005) identify three types of gifted and talented student who benefit from mentoring over other forms of differentiation; the highly "gifted and talented," the low socioeconomic" and "the underachieving gifted student" the latter two fall into the twice exceptional category. Rogers (2002) defines highly "gifted and talented" as students ahead by two grade levels. Mentoring opportunities for the gifted and talented need to focus on areas of high interest and talent, and must not interfere with the student’s progress in other subjects, Rogers 2002.

Teachers serve as coordinators; they develop lessons, set goals and evaluate progress. Parents can help by coordinating mentoring relationships through friends, colleagues, and relatives they can trust and effectively monitor. There is an assortment of technology options available to connect mentees with their mentors, Karnes and Bean 2005. Student feedback helps teachers and parents assess mentoring effectiveness.

Online Sources:

Research Articles:
Bianco, M., Carothers, D. E., & Smiley, L. R. (2009). Gifted students with asperger syndrome. Intervention In School And Clinic, 44(4), 206-215.
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