Debriefing Strategies


Debriefing is a reflective and critical thinking process that students engage in after simulation activities; it involves group and self evaluation. The debriefing process can incorporate check lists as well as formal or informal oral and written responses and discussions. Although many types of debriefing exist, three types are introduced here:

The EIAG - Students experience - identify, analyze and generalize
D-FITGA - Students decompress as they review activity related facts, infer and transfer questions, generalize and engage authentic applications
ASK - Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge.

Debriefing can also serve as a closure activity, in which students learn to reflect on the discussions and thinking processes they participate in and consider how they might repond to similar situations next time; teachers should guide review activities with students. Debriefing involves gathering recorded data and sharing thoughts and feelings. Students group and classify the information they collected before evaluating what did and did not work; they discard unworkable ideas, acknowledge those that worked and consider alternatives.


Online Sources


Research Citations:

Johnsen, S. & Kendrick, J. (2005). Teaching strategies in gifted education. Prufrock press Inc. Waco Texas.
Kriz, W. (2010). A Systemic-Constructivist Approach to the Facilitation and Debriefing of Simulations and Games. Simulation & Gaming, 41(5), 663-680.
Morris, R. V. (2003). The Nation's Capital and First Graders: Role Playing a Trip to Washington, D.C. Social Studies, 94(6-), 265-269.
Hurst, C. (2007). Finding the Maths: Helping Students Connect Their Mathematical Knowledge to Other Contexts. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 12(2), 25-29.
Schuler, D. A., Chappell, M., & Baggett, L. (2010). A Unique Pedagogical Approach to Voting and Public Goods. PS: Political Science And Politics, 43(4), 779-783.

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